[30/09/2024 - by DefacerID]
We invite security researchers to help us improve our systems through our Vulnerabili...
[25/08/2024 - by DefacerID]
DefacerID allows users to submit multiple URLs to the Defacer API in a streamlined ...
[15/10/2024 - by DefacerID]
Hacker yang mengatasnamakan "Indonesian Peoples" meretas laman resmi Republik Indones...
[22/08/2024 - by ShinChan]
Dikutip dari Inews.com, Peringatan Darurat Indonesia Garuda Biru adalah sebuah panggi...
[16/08/2024 - by DefacerID]
Welcome to DefacerID Encyclopedia—your go-to resource for all things hacking and cybe...
[29/07/2024 - by DefacerID]
Register on our platform at profile.defacer.id to create your own hacker or researche...
[10/07/2024 - by DefacerID]
Stay informed about the latest in cyber attacks and security breaches by joining the...
[07/06/2024 - by DefacerID]
The Instagram and Twitter accounts of Vogue France posted images with the caption 'H...
[20/05/2024 - by ShinChan]
Hacker yang memiliki codename Iman19X kembali beraksi dan meretas Situs Perpustaka...
[15/07/2019 - by ShinChan]
Hacker yang memiliki codename Nurmala kembali beraksi dan meretas situs Bawaslu Sul...
[29/06/2019 - by ShinChan]
Kali ini ada kejadian yang cukup menggelitik karena kelakuan "h4ck3r" yang satu ini...
[14/06/2019 - by ShinChan]
"W3LL SQUAD" team yang beberapa saat lalu meretas Situs Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebuda...